keunikan keunikan agama kristen
Silverius Sijabat
Kristen adalah agama penyusun terbesar populasi di dunia.kristen sendiri pertama
kali dikenal di antiokia . Yaitu kota kecil di sektar timur tengah .kristen
dibawakan oleh Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Kira kira apa sajakah yang menjadi keunikan agama kristen itu sendiri?
Nah sobat yang terkasih didalam Kristus mari kita bahas bersama.
1.Kristen mengajarkan kasih,yakni kasih terhaap Tuhan Allah(hubungan vertikal),kasih terhadap sesama umat manusia.(hubungan vertikal) ini dapat di buktikan di huku taurat(titah) yakni titah 1-4 mengatur hubungan vertikal dan titah 5-6 mengatur hubungan horizontal.
1.Kristen mengajarkan kasih,yakni kasih terhaap Tuhan Allah(hubungan vertikal),kasih terhadap sesama umat manusia.(hubungan vertikal) ini dapat di buktikan di huku taurat(titah) yakni titah 1-4 mengatur hubungan vertikal dan titah 5-6 mengatur hubungan horizontal.
2.Tidak dibenarkan
di agama kristen membunuh sesama manusia demi dan atau mengatasnamakan
agama kristen.
dibenarkan jadi teroris. Karena prinsip kristen ,jika dilempar pake
batu lempar pake pisang baliknya. Ini jika dikaji lebih luas sesuai dengan
perkataan Tuhan Yesus Kristus k kasihilah
musuhmu. Dalam dunia terapannya jika dibakar 1 gereja maka gak usah
dibakar tempat ibadah orang yang membakar gerejamu(disini
diartikan =gedung,karena gereja sebenarnya adalah hati nurani manusia).
4.Doa yang dianjurkan di agama kristen adalah doa
yang tidak munafik,contohnya doa di pinggir trotoar. Berdoa kuat
kuat biar didengar orang lain biar kelihatan suci itu salah besar di agama
kristen. Karen a doa yang sebenarnya menurut agama
kristen maunya kita berdoa jangan untuk cari perhatian orang lain , melainkan
Tuhan. Sehingga adalah lebih baik jika kita berdoa sendirian masuk
kamar,kunci, dan berdoalah sendirian dan curahkanlah isi hatimu di keheningan.
5.Tingkat taraf hidup penganut agama kristen cukup tinggi didunia.
6.Negara negara
yang penduduknya mayoritas/banyak agama
kristen ,maka dapat dipastikan negara tersebut akan lebih maju jika didalam
suatu negara sedikit penganut agama kristen.
7.Banyak pemeluk
agama kristen yang yang menjadi pembuat keputusan didunia .yang
memikirkan masa depan dunia ini.
8.Amerika merupakan contoh kesuksesan paham kristen
terbesar didunia.
9.Dalam segi
berpakaian oarang kristen termaksud hemat. Karena tidak membungkus
semua tubuh . ssehingga penggnaan kain lebih efisien dan efektif.
10.Ritual agama kristen simpel dan sederhana.sehingga
tidak perlu penyesuaian dengan jam kerja.sehingga produktivitas orang Kristen
lebih efektif, sehingga akan menguntungkan perusahaan atau badan uaha.
11.Orang orang
yang menikah dalam agama kristen diarang berpoligami dan poliandri.sehingga
mengurangi resiko penularan penyakit menular. Kepasangan paangan baru lainya.
Nah.. itulah keunikan keunikan agama kristen
menurut GGL(gue githu lo) dan fakta dilapangan.semoga informasi ini bermanfaat
buat kita semua jika ada kata ,kaliat yang salah,saya minta maaf.terima kasih

Christianity is the largest religion constituent dunia.kristen population
was first recognized in Antioch. That is a small town in the middle east
sektar. Christianity brought by the Lord Jesus Christ. Think about what are the
uniqueness of the Christian religion itself? Well dear friend in Christ, let us
discuss together.
1.Kristen teaches love, the love of God terhaap (vertical relationship), love for fellow human beings. (Vertical relationship) can be proved in huku Law (decree) that regulate relations precepts 1-4 5-6 to set vertical and decrees horizontal relationships.
2. Christianity justified in killing a fellow human being for the sake and in the name of religion or Christianity.
3.No justifiably be terrorists. Due to Christian principles, if thrown pake pake banana throwing stones behind it. If studied more widely in accordance with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, love your enemies k. In the world of its application if burned one church then burned the place of worship need not be the burning church (here defined = the building, because the church is actually the human conscience).
4.Pray recommended in the Christian religion is not hypocritical prayer, such a prayer at the edge of the pavement. Pray let me hear strong strong others'll look great in one holy Christian religion. Karen is actually a prayer by the Christian religion wants us to pray not to find the attention of others, but God. So it is better to pray alone into the room, keys, and pray alone and pour out your heart in silence.
5. the lives of Christian believers in the world is high enough.
6.Majority countries / many Christian religions, it is certain that the country will be more advanced if within a few adherents of the Christian religion.
Christian religious
1.Kristen teaches love, the love of God terhaap (vertical relationship), love for fellow human beings. (Vertical relationship) can be proved in huku Law (decree) that regulate relations precepts 1-4 5-6 to set vertical and decrees horizontal relationships.
2. Christianity justified in killing a fellow human being for the sake and in the name of religion or Christianity.
3.No justifiably be terrorists. Due to Christian principles, if thrown pake pake banana throwing stones behind it. If studied more widely in accordance with the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, love your enemies k. In the world of its application if burned one church then burned the place of worship need not be the burning church (here defined = the building, because the church is actually the human conscience).
4.Pray recommended in the Christian religion is not hypocritical prayer, such a prayer at the edge of the pavement. Pray let me hear strong strong others'll look great in one holy Christian religion. Karen is actually a prayer by the Christian religion wants us to pray not to find the attention of others, but God. So it is better to pray alone into the room, keys, and pray alone and pour out your heart in silence.
5. the lives of Christian believers in the world is high enough.
6.Majority countries / many Christian religions, it is certain that the country will be more advanced if within a few adherents of the Christian religion.
Christian religious
7.many the decision
makers in the world. Were thinking about the future of this world.
8.Amerika is an example of the success of the world's largest Christian understanding.
9.In terms of the said Christian JV dressed sparingly. Because not all of the body wrap. So that fabric more efficiently and effectively.
10.the ritual of Christian religion is simple and does not need to comply with the hours of productivity kerja.sehingga Christians more effectively, so that it will benefit the company or entity uaha.
11. People who married in the Christian religion and polygamy ban reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases. To new people others.
Well .. That's the uniqueness of the uniqueness of the Christian religion by GGL (I githu lo) and the fact i hope this information useful for us all if there are words, statement wrong, I'm say thanks..
8.Amerika is an example of the success of the world's largest Christian understanding.
9.In terms of the said Christian JV dressed sparingly. Because not all of the body wrap. So that fabric more efficiently and effectively.
10.the ritual of Christian religion is simple and does not need to comply with the hours of productivity kerja.sehingga Christians more effectively, so that it will benefit the company or entity uaha.
11. People who married in the Christian religion and polygamy ban reduce the risk of transmission of infectious diseases. To new people others.
Well .. That's the uniqueness of the uniqueness of the Christian religion by GGL (I githu lo) and the fact i hope this information useful for us all if there are words, statement wrong, I'm say thanks..
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